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  • Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practic

Arbitration Procedure

Arbitration is conducted at the ICLP Arbitration Centre (Centre) according to the ICLP Arbitration Centre Rules (Rules), which enable the conduct of both domestic and international arbitration proceedings in Sri Lanka. The Rules are modeled on the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and changes have been made only where necessary to make the ICLP Arbitration Centre Rules accord with the Sri Lankan Laws and conditions. The Rules provide that the Centre may conduct arbitration proceedings under other Rules such as the UNCITRAL Rules and the ICC Rules.

The Rules create certainty and predictability and also embody a number of other features, which conform to universally accepted modern arbitration standards which make arbitration more attractive than ad hoc arbitration proceedings arranged without an institutional and procedural framework.

Under these Rules, Arbitral Tribunals are completely autonomous and absolutely independent.

Rules of the ICLP Arbitration Centre

ICLP Arbitration Rules

(As adopted by the Council of Management on 1st April 2021)