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  • Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practic
  • Contact Us (Address and contact details, Google Map and Inquiry form)
  • Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practic

Certificate in Shipping Law and Practice

This programme is conducted jointly by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practice

Course Contents
  • Maritime Law

  • Carriage of Goods by the Sea

  • Admiralty Law

  • International Trade

  • Port Operations

  • Marine Insurance

  • Custom Formalities

  • Guided Port Tour

  • Additional Assignments and Dissertation

Target Group
  • Students

  • Academics

  • Shipping Industry Personnel

  • Freight Forwarders

  • Lawyers etc.


Commencement of the Next Intake

To be confirmed


6 Months

Lecture Dates and Hours

Sundays from 9.00am to 1.15pm



Course Director

Mr. Chandaka Jayasundere AAL


Rs. 75,000+Tax (Inclusive of the course fee of the Certificate Level)

For more information contact Ms. Nethmini Medawala on 0719 329819


The ICLP Arbitration Centre (Centre) which was set up in 15th March 1996, is a separate body of the Institute for the Development of Commercial More