Board of the ICLP Arbitration Centre
Mr Asite Talwatte - Chairman
Mr. Nalin Abeysekere, PC
Dr Rohan Perera
Dr. J.M. Swaminathan
Ms. Marina Fernando
Administration of the Centre is conducted by the Board, through the Centre's Secretary-General and other personnel, headed by a Chief Executive Officer employed by the ICLP.
The ICLP Arbitration Centre (Centre) is comprised of a Board called the "Board of the ICLP Arbitration Centre" which consists of six members who are appointed for a period of three years by the Council of Management of the ICLP, and all decisions relating to Institutional Arbitrations are made by the Board which are final and conclusive.
The composition of the Board of ICLP Arbitration Centre shall comprise of six (6) members of whom two (2) shall be lawyers, two (2) shall be businessmen of good repute and standing and other two (2) members shall be professionals of good repute and standing.
The ICLP Arbitration Centre (Centre) which was set up in 15th March 1996, is a separate body of the Institute for the Development of Commercial More